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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 6, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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99th percentile. president obama 40th percentile. >> there you go. >> no mistaking you. >> everything proves your point. >> we move for a victory wherever we can. we are so sad. "special report" up next. a moving target. president obama wants congress to back off its insistence on trying to get a veto power over the iran nuclear deal, a deal that appears to be different than originally advertised. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. president obama's quest to get his legacy nuclear deal with iran from theory into practice may have to go through a republican controlled congress whether he likes it or not. the president is asking lawmakers to stay at arm's length on a tentative framework. critics see as an outline for appeasement. one particular issue the ongoing evolution of an agreement that
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is anything but set in stone. chief white house correspondent ed henry has tonight's top story. >> as president obama presided over the easter egg roll he also launched a full-court press to sell a nuclear deal with iran that is looking increasingly shaky laying out what he considers the obama doctrine in an interview with the "new york times." >> we will engage but we preserve all our capabilities. and i have been very clear that iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch. >> reporter: except today the leader of hezbollah backed the deal as a way to avoid world war, the type of endorsement that leaves republicans to crank up their charge the president capitulated. >> obama is a flawed negotiator. his foreign policy has failed on multiple fronts. nobody in the region trusts him. the iranians do not fear or
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respect him. >> reporter: a key is this promise by the president. >> we know that they don't need to have an underground fortified facility in order to have a peaceful nuclear program. >> today energy secretary said something far different. the deal would only strip down the facility. >> either wiping it out or shutting it down all together. it seemed like you moved the goal post here. >> the key is to make sure it was not a breakout pathway. it is not. there is even no material allowed into that facility. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is skeptical warning the option of a military strike against iran is still wide open. >> this is a deal that leaves iran with t capacity to produce the material for many nuclear bombs and does so by lifting sanctions pretty much up front.
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>> another area of contention is sanctions with iran putting up talking points while the white house has suggested a more phased approach. >> this deal is not done yet. it won't be done until details are locked down and hopefully by the end of june. >> hopefully is not good enough for bob corker who is pushing for an up or down vote next week. >> strong bipartisan support for binding vote. >> the president will not admit and confirm it will have a binding vote. he talks about a nonbinding vote in an interview with npr in which he responded to the demand that iran recognize israel's right to exist. the president said that is a fundamental misjudgment a sign the relationship with netanyahu still a bit tense. kenyan war planes are conducting air strikes against islamic militants in somalia in response to massacre of mostly christians at a university in
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kenya. the president has vowed harsh measures against al-shabaab terrorists based in somalia. isis terrorists blew up an 80-year-old church in syria on easter sunday. no casualties. the attack happened in an area where militia have been battling forces. pope francis is calling on the international community to end what he calls silence as growing violence against christians continues. the pope told an audience the world must not look the other way. campaign to drive shiite rebels from yemen may be intensifying. connor powell has the latest from our middle east newsroom. >> with fighting showing no signs of letting up the committee of the red cross says a humanitarian crisis is brewing. we have been without water for five days and they have been attacking us every day.
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efforts to deliver aid have been hampered by the violence and called by the red cross for a cease hire have been ignored. nearly two weeks ago saudi arabia launched air strikes to stop the advance. the fighters have taken control of most of yemen and arab countries fear the rise to power will expand the influence in the region. so far the air strikes have done little to slow down and the crisis in yemen has only worsened. today pakistan which is part of the coalition said saudi arabia has requested it contribute troops to the operation raising the possibility of a ground offensive which recently officials seem to rule out. over the weekend russia floated a proposal that would impose a total arms embargo on yemen. that idea, however, was immediately rejected by saudi arabia. as the air campaign looks
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unlikely soosolve the conflict the state department defends the strategy. >> we said that is one of the main goals of the military action action action. >> reporter: the chaos in yemen allowed the sunni coalition shows no willingness despite al qaeda's threat to the west. >> connor powell in our middle east news room. let's get more now from saudi arabia's ambassador to the united states. >> you saw that piece. tell us where things stand now from your perspective, your country's perspective in yemen. >> we are determined to protect religious and degrade and destroy the military capabilities that can be a danger to us. the air campaign has been successful.
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we have taken out the air force and surface to air missiles. we are degrader their heavy weapons capabilities and so we are going systematically through our target list to eliminate potential threat to not only saudi arabia but the world. >> you do not have ground troops now? >> no. >> are you considering it? >> we are considering all possibilities. right now the focus is on the air campaign which is going very well. we are providing military assistance to the popular communities in the south and yemenis who are split from the military or from units loyal and joined in the fight. we are beginning to see them being able to change the situation on the ground in favor of them and to the disadvantage -- the efforts in yemen we always say failure is not an option. we will prevail and destroy the military capabilities that represent a threat to us.
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we will defeat and degrade and we will work towards bringing about political settlement. >> you asked pakistan for help. is that country coming through? >> i don't know the status of the discussions. we have a number of countries that have expressed an interest in participating in one way or another and have conversations with a number of those countries. >> this a proxy war against iran? >> i would call it a war of necessity after we were left with no choice. for three years they have reneged on every promise they made. 67 agreements to be precise. they moved the goal post taking over and then taking over the rest of yemen. they imprisoned the president and cabinet in their own homes and then they were moving on in order to complete the take over of the country. this is when we had to move in
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response to legitimate request. our objective is to protect yemeni people from a take over by a radical group allied and supported by iran. >> what do you say to people who look at that and say with the air strikes you are creating a chaos vacuum and empowering al qaeda? >> we are very focused on along with our american allies. we have programs to confront that threat that i cannot talk about. we are determined to ensure that yemen does not become a safe haven for terrorists. i want to point out something to you. in one day we had attack against the saudi post. we had attack in aiden. and we had the hundreds of prisoners escaped including al qaeda officers. >> on your border?
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is this what happened was a coincidence or is this somehow organized or planned in order to enhance or strengthen presence in yemen so that they can look like they are fighting terrorists when they are not? >> when asked about iran's threat to you other arab nations this is what the president said over the weekend. as for protecting our sunni arab allies like saudi arabia the president said they have very real external threats and have internal threats. i think the biggest threats that they face may not be coming from iran. it is going to be from dissatisfaction inside their own countries. it is one that we have to have. what do you say in reaction to that? >> i don't know that he was talking about it but he said arab states like saudi arabia. the issue of the conversation that we have or the economic development plans we have, the education issues, reforms that are taking place all meant to
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counter extremism and enhance standard of living and improve quality of life and provide most opportunity. we have had a booming economy for almost a decade. unemployment rates have dropped substantially. i don't know that he was talking in this case specifically about saudi arabia. >> what about on the other side of the coin this iran nuclear deal or framework of the deal? i read today that saudi arabia is praising what they are seeing so far. is that true? on one side of the middle east you are fighting iran-backed rebels and on the other you are praising this nuclear deal? >> i don't know that you are praising this deal because there is no deal. there is a framework agreement in which a set of principles is outlined. what we have been saying is that we have been assured by the president and by the secretary of state that iran will not be able to have an atomic bomb as a consequence of any agreement made. that all pathways to an atomic bomb will be closed to iran and
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that iranian research in the nuclear area would be severely restricted and that iran would be subject to continuous intrusive and unprecedented inspections. that is positive to us. but we haven't seen the final agreement yet so we can't really render judgment. >> if this deal firms up as this framework envisions it will that make saudi arabia want to get a nuclear weapon? >> i can't comment about whether we obtain a nuclear weapon or not. what i can tell you is we will do whatever it takes to protect our people and our nation. two things we don't compromise on our faith and security. >> sounds like a maybe. >> i cannot comment on that. >> mr. ambassador thank you for your time. is the rand paul who will declare presidential candidacy tomorrow the same rand paul we are expecting. fox 45 in baltimore with a
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delaware couple and two children sickened during caribbean vacation. health officials say they were poisoned by a deadly pesticide sprayed near theirvilla. the two boys remain ill. in boston closing arguments in the marathon bombing trial. prosecutor portray dzhokhar tsarnaev as a terrorist who wanted to punish america for perceived crimes. police say thethe -- [ inaudible ]. this is a live look at nationals park from fox 5 here in washington. opening day for our home team, the nats and most major league baseball teams. the nationals who are picked by many to win the world series are hosting the new york mets. we will talk about that with charles krauthammer later. a live look outside and inside the beltway from "special report."
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kentucky senator rand paul is set to become the latest republican to make it official what everyone already knows, that he is running for president. carl cameron tells us the rand paul who announces tomorrow is not the same rand paul you might expect. >> reporter: kentucky republican u.s. senator rand paul whose father made three long shut runs for president kicks off his own bid under the banner unleash the american dream. >> the gop of old has grown stale and moss covered. >> a libertarianber libertarian leaning conservative wants to reform criminal drug sentencing and thinks same-sex marriage should be a state issue and called for an end to foreign aid for which potential rivals especially lind
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lindsay game called him an isolationist. >> his foreign policy is to the left of barack obama. >> reporter: paul is younger and minority voters at liberal college campuses including berkeley and howard university. he shifted right recently reversing opposition to all foreign aid and proposing increases in spending. >> he is a libertarian which is very good and becoming more conservative because of the fact he has no choice if running for office. >> paul has been running as an outsider from the day he got to washington. dr. ben carson qualifies for outsider. committee raised $2 million since created. top candidates expect it will take 20 times that to compete. hillary clinton is accelerating her hiring of staff. she leased a campaign headquarters in brooklyn and
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triggered the time table for her to declare her intentions. her announcement is expected to come via social media with time spent in early primary states of south carolina thereafter. no rush to announce from jeb bush except to say he is not hispanic. in 2009 he checked that box on a florida voter registration form. his wife is from mexico and his son tweeted him a zinger. dad, think you checked the wrong box? image and message are crucial for presidential campaigns and tomorrow when rand paul launches his he will cast as singularly qualified in the field to grow and change the republican party with his appeal to minority and younger voters. >> and the race begins. carl cameron live at churchill downs in kentucky. still ahead cities around the country take a stand on president obama's immigration policy. plus rolling stone magazine
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admits its story was false. check out my blog to see a new app that could change the face of the 2016 race. every truck can tow a boat. every truck can climb a hill. every truck can haul a trailer. but not everyone can say they're the fastest-growing truck brand in america. guts. glory. ram. ♪ ♪ mike fincham was diagnosed with colorectal cancer 2 years ago.
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a new york city plumber is admitting to tampering with a gas line that caused a deadly building explosion. the man says he was ordered to rig the gas system to heat upper floors of the building. three structures collapsed. the plumber may strike a deal with prosecutors to testify against the building's owner. >> good start to the week. dow jumped 118.
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s&p 500 rose 14. nasdaq was up 30. "rolling stone" magazine is retracting and apologizing for expose aof alleged gang rape. it turns out at least in this instance the skeptics were right. the columbia university graduate school says "rolling stone" had failures of reporting editing and supervision. however the magazine says neither writer nor anyone in manage will be fired and systems will not be changed. today the fraternity said it will pursue legal action against "rolling stone." virginia governor says the failure of accountability in journalism has done untold damage to the university of virginia and our calmommonwealth as
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a whole. senior political analyst is here with thoughts about all of this. >> hi. rolling stone"rolling stone"'s" magazine overdue apology brings to three the number of recently exposed whoppers that made their way into the national blood stream. first the claim that a white cop in ferguson, missouri shot dead a black man as he stood before him with his hands up. harry reid didn't try to defend his lie that mitt romney paid no income taxes and the recklessness on the uva story. three stories on topics with one thread. they all fit nicely into favored political narratives of the american left, the claim of epidemic of sexual assaults on college campuses. the idea of mitt romney and other business men as fact cats who risk themselves at the expense of others and the notion
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of american police forces. the three stories have claptsed but the larger claims they fed lived on. today a question to spokesman josh earnest about the uva case. was it about the damage to the university or fraternities? of course not. it was about whether the exposure of the false story might discourage other victims of sexual assault from coming forward. the "rolling stone" music you might say has stopped but the beat goes on. >> there are false stories, wrong stories on the right as well. >> can you imagine if something like this had happened at this network and we had published an entirely false account of an event that never happened? no one associated with that would still be working here? not the journalist who did it not the supervisors or accounttsants. i think the reason is clear. it's different on the left.
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>> next in the grapevine not even playing house is sacred anymore. how bureaucrats make sure no good deed goes.
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jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. and now fresh pickings from the political grapevine. the brief rein of a high king and queen from atop cordboard castle may be over.
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jeremy built this box fort for his children but the curb side chateau was not as pleasing to the city as the neighborhood kids. the city code prohibits people from leaving junk on the lawn. the family has 15 days to remove it or face a $125 penalty that if unpaid could lead to criminal charges and a lien against their real house. neighbors have built similar forts in solidarity. a baby waits for no one, not even president obama. grid lock on interstate 65 in louisville this past week from the president's motorcade snarled one couple trying to get to the hospital to give birth. luckily a nurse was a few cars behind and tonya vetter jumped into action. aurally was born there on the side of the road a healthy 8
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pounds 9 ounces. a pays to occasionally check the spam e-mail folder for one university of vermont student it held a $100,000 grant to support his research. he was awarded one of 2,000 national science foundation grants given to graduate students that almost never knew it. the free press reports the e-mail was classified as junk and only found after a text message from a friend. cities and towns all over the country are joining the list of communities pushing for president obama's plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. james rosen explains why dozens of leaders are teaming up to open up the border. >> when president obama used executive action to exempt an estimated 5 million undocumented workers and their families from deportation last november gop governors and attorneys general in 26 states led by texas immediately sued to overturn the
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action. a texas judge halted the policy from being enforced while its constitutionality could be ruled on. this year democratic mayors joined forces to urge an appeals court to allow the president's order to be implemented immediately. >> we intend to make the voices of cities heard in the immigration debate. >> today they filed a friend of the court brief in texas v usa listing the elected leaders of more than 70 other cities and counties including democratic mayors bouser of washington, d.c. allowing federal government to implement executive action now will help prevent splitting of families due to deportation and encourage greater immigrant participation and community life citeing the proven lift that they provide to local environments
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claiming immediate implementation would generate 167,000 new jobs and $2.6 billion in tax revenue. many of the states are opposing the white house's action. >> the fact that you have so many states, so many counties and cities lining up all over the map on this issue shows that it is something that we really need to resolve through the democratic political process rather than through executive action of the president. >> a ruling on whether the texas judge was right to put the president's executive action on hold is expected in a month. the question of the constitutionality appears headed to the supreme court. >> thank you. the president tries to sell his iran nuclear deal to a lot of folks who so far are not in a buying mood. we'll talk about it with the panel when we come back.
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decision but the deal will accept they end the nuclear program. this is our best bet by far to make sure iran doesn't get a nuclear weapon. number two, what we will be doing even as we enter into this deal is sending a clear message to the iranians and the region that if anybody messes with israel america will be there. >> well, the evolution of the deal or framework of the deal from 2012 until now talking this weekend to the "new york times." let's bring in the panel. what about the white house sell job on this? >> very interesting that they have decided that they want to bury people in the details of a plan that at this point doesn't have many details. they put out secretary of energy to make this case to provide people with sort of a walk through of the technical aspenths of the deal.
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as we heard from others today there are so many technical aspects that remain to be determines. i think if you have been capacitical of the deal before its announcement you are skeptical of it still. to a certain degree the devil is not in the details. there were years worth of sanctions designed to keep iran from building a nuclear weapon and requiring it to dismantle the program. that is all gone now. iran does not have to follow those sanctioning. the sanctions are likely to disappear immediately or after. that is the fundamental change here. iran goes from rogue state supporter of terrorism required to dismantle nuclear programs to a rogue state, supporter of terrorism that will become a nuclear threshold state. that is the big change. >> i think a lot of what is going on is aimed at congress right now. as you know there is legislation
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that has been put on hold until after march 31. bob corker is leading the charge to give congress a say on whatever deal. >> good setup. let's run the sound byte. the president dealing with this about why he doesn't want that. >> i don't want to set precedence that suggests that every time a president enters into an agreement that congress gets up or down vote. >> there is strong bipartisan support for a binding vote by congress. this is not something -- look, the president needs to sell this to the american people and congress needs to be involved in this way. >> the president by creating a situation which there is a fate he is very aggressively selling something that is better than any possible alternative we can get strikes as an effort to corner congress and crucially
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prevent deems from joining and giving some sort of veto proof must just. the problem with that is he is preventing something that is not a finished product by the administration's own account. what has been more interesting is the republican reaction which has been restrained over the weekend. they are not jumping up and down denouncing this thing. i think that reflects their knowledge that he has to go slow and steady if he wants to pick up the extra two or three democrats. all of this strikes me as jockeying for the two or three democratic votes. i believe obama will get them because he is going to frame this as part of his legacy. >> politico has a piece saying chuck schumer is in the running. he said this. this is a very serious issue about the iran framework that deserves careful consideration.
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i expect to have a classified briefing in the near future. i believe congress should have the right to disapprove any agreement and i support the corker bill which would allow that to occur. that would likely be the leader of the democrats soon. >> that would make it a really close vote. the republicans are near to veto proof majority but it will depend in part on what the details are. the problem with the deal is really a fundamental one apart from all of the details. in the sound byte you had obama saying in 2012 that the object of this is to end their nuclear program. that was the understanding. you end the program you get a lifting of sanctioning. what we are talking about here is a preserving of the program leaving it in tact everywhere even the underground facility which obama said if you have a peaceful program there is no need for that. what he is talking about is
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preventing a nuclear weapon which means by sh calculations you lead the infrastructure in tact and take a while to achieve which means either they way until the end of the expiration of the deal and then develop an arsenal of weapons. it means that once the sanctions are lifted they will be quite prepared to cheat. it would take months for the iaea u.n., entire bureaucracy to verify cheating and get any action whatsoever. either way the highway to a bomb is right there. and that's the problem, the fundamental issue with the deal. obama changed the entire idea. and if the press secretary is unable to rule out a lifting of the sanctions on the day a deal is signed in june that is a catastrophe because once it happens you never have the position in the sanctions and there will be nothing preventing
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iran from developing a nuclear weapon. >> charles is right that there is a lot of details. if you read fact sheets you discover two very important details or maybe an absent detail. the absent detail is clarity on whether there are surprise inspections. it looks like iran left the table believing that the only inspections done with their prior approval. point to is on snap back sanctions iran has a right in this deal to litigate the question of whether there was a violation in the first place. the idea that the sanctions go in like snapping fingers is not real. >> international mechanism which sounds interesting. i do want to play from another critic is israel. the president talked about what he said was anti-israel comments
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that he is hurt by. >> personally difficult for me to hear sort of expressions that somehow we don't have this administration has not done everything it could to look out for israel's interests. >> one more sound byte. late this afternoon the president was on npr asked about israel's push to say in this deal to get iran to say israel can exist. >> the notion that we would condition iran not getting nuclear weapons in a verifiable deal on iran recognizing israel is really akin to saying that we won't sign a deal nature of the iranian regime completely transforms and that is i think a fundamental
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misjudgment. >> seems different. he is hurt by antiisrael comments but then says that that is not part of any possible deal. >> if he doesn't want people to say that he has been antiisrael he should have less antiisrael policies. the bigger challenge for the president he actually outlined the differences correctly. he doesn't think it's necessary to have a change in the behavior of the regime. benjamin netanyahu clearly does. as to the point of whether this potentially threatens israel the hezbollah chief just said in an interview with syrian state tv iran will become richer and wealthier and will become more influential. >> last word. >> obama is pretending that the issue is recognition of israel. a lot of states don't recognize israel. iran is the only state that says the ambition is to annihilate israel. and for obama to say who cares about that it's a nonstarter is a way to say that israel
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concerns mean nothing to him. that is why people are upset about his policy on israel. i'm sorry that he is hurt by it but i think there are larger issues at stake. rand paul gets ready but is it the same rand paul you are expecting? a 2016 break down with the panel.
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it's time for a new way. a new set of ideas. a new leader, one you can trust. one who works for you and, above all, it's time for a new president. >> as to rand paul i like rand a lot. but at the end of the day his foreign policy is to the left of barack obama. a libertarian policy he
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embraces i think, is a step behind leading from behind. >> kentucky senator rand paul will aannounce he is running for president tomorrow in kentucky. it's not a surprise. what about this launch? we're back with the panel. steve, this is the new thing. you put out the video that you are launching the day before you launch. but we are talking about him. >> right. what about his transformation from perhaps libertarian to more or at least trying to appeal to the g.o.p. base? >> >> libertarianish. the question for rand paul is does this erode his hard core support among libertarians. this is why his father had the following he did. it was sort of the base of rand paul's support. does this shift? i mean, is he clearly trying to at least not be in opposition to most republicans. he proposed $191 billion more in defense spending. evidence has toughened up on iran a little bit. you saw in carl cameron's
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package he has reversed himself on foreign aid. does that erode that base of support that he has with libertarians? and i don't think we know the answer to that yet. but i do think it erodes his credibility as the guy who will come to washington and be unaffected by washington. he is now making arguments that he wasn't making before he came to washington. and some ways stand in stark contrast to what efings saying before he came here. >> he is going to get a lot of attention this week especially chuck what are the challenges he faces? i think in addition to steve's point how his shift effects him with his libertarian base. the libertarian base is not that gig to begin with. it's very powerful. his father's network is kind of powerful in iowa and nevada and other places. >> and online trust me. >> oh, yes. i have heard from them, too. it isn't the majority of the republican party. his hope that the other candidates would chop up the majority of the republican party. i think he has got one other challenge. i have been watching him is closely for a while now.
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rand paul has a negative affect about him had. he speaks in very there isn't a lot of positivity and smiling and up beatness about rand paul. everything is wrong in washington. goes to take down the nsa. got to stop the government from firing a drone at you in a cafe. all about threats and negativity that he is trying to do away with and the positive part and he doesn't radiate as a sunny outlook reaganite upbeat stuff that republicans and generally like. >> you don't get la grubius. >> associate myself with his negativity. morose and negative. i don't think that's really a liability. is problem is this, when he began his career in the senate and as a national
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figure the wind was at his back. there was a sense that the overintervening. speech against a drone attack on an american citizen who was an al important al qaeda operative in yemen. now today he wouldn't be giving that 13 hour speech opposing drone strikes on al qaeda operatives in yemen. the situation has changed. obama isolationism shown and inexperienced beheading of americans, collapse of yes ma'am mental. giving away on the deal with iran. the country is seeing that that kind of retreat yields really terrible results. i think the problem that rand paul has is his association is noninterventionism is now a problem and he has to tach back which, again undermines his other strength which is his authenticity. >> they will say you are too inside the beltway and i will get the emails.
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i will send them to you. >> jeb bush went online to twitter to say and apologize for listing himself as hispanic on a voter registration form. my mistake. don't think i fooled anyone and his son said come on, dad think you checked the wrong box honorary latino. really? >> it's odd and caught political reporters. i don't think it ended up being a big deal. nobody had who was going to vote for jeb bush or likes him is going to feel differently and people hostile to him are not going to change. >> he is head of an hispanic family. you can say that. >> his wife. >> i tried. >> if he runs against elizabeth warren it will be hispanic and native american. an amazing race. >> that's it for the panel. stay tuned for a look inside iran's negotiations sort of.
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finally tonight no secret friends reinbeingment advance reporting there. some of those grawnks are very detailed and help show something video for at the time. others might miss the mark. if you haven't had the pleasure of viewing these animations, "saturday night live" sums it up for you. >> jake, what's the latest on those negotiations? >> we couldn't get any footage from the actual negotiations. once again cnn has the next best best thing. a collection of puppets that can reenact what we think negotiations were like. >> incredible. so this is basically what it looks like. >> a very heated debate on both sides. you know, these puppets are a great resource brook because, again, these were closed door negotiations. >> and what does that mean closed door? >> i believe it looks something like this. [ laughter ]
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>> oh, yes. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for "special report," fair balanced and unafraid. greta goes "on the record" right now. this is a fox news alert. look at this picture. now, look closely. this dangerous terrorist an al qaeda commander is now a free man. one week ago terrorists stormed his prison and let him out along with hundreds of al qaeda fellow militants. right now looking at pictures showing the terrorist allegedly inside the walls inside yemen how did high level commander end up inside the pag also a sphirlg totally out of control and so is the country president obama once called a success story. now a lost cause? adam kinzinger joins us. good evening, sir. >> hi greta. thanks for having me. how are you. >> i'm fine. very disturbing to have